Gallery Wrap 15

Gallery Wrap
gallery wrapped canvas

Gallery Wrap

Bring creativity to your home or office with our stretched canvas prints. Canvas prints are a great printing solution to transform your favorite photos into an elegant artwork pieces. Our canvas prints are printed with 15 mil polyester/cotton blend canvas and mounted on light and durable stretcher bars.


Please ensure your artwork contains a 1.75” bleed on EACH SIDE. Your entire artwork will be wrapped to the back side.

Explanation for next day turnaround service:

Turnaround time begins once your file is uploaded.

If your file is placed on hold, the turnaround time will begin once you select ‘Run As Is’ or once a re-uploaded file is received.

If an email design proof is requested, the turnaround time will begin once you approve the design proof.

All the times are based on normal business days, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.

If an order is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then it will be shipped on the following business day. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be shipped the next day.)

Store Pick-up:
If an order is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then it will be available for pick-up on the following business day after 4:30 p.m. PST. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be ready for pick-up the next day.) You will receive an email notification if the order is ready earlier.

Same Day Order:

  • Shipping Orders:
    If an order is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then it will be shipped the same day. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be shipped until the next day.)
  • Store Pick-up:
    If an order is uploaded on a business day BEFORE 12 noon PST, then it will be available for pick-up on the same day after 4:00 p.m. PST. (If there is a problem with the file, it won’t be ready for pick-up the same day.) You will receive an email notification if the order is ready earlier.

Files uploaded after 12:00 noon PST will be shipped or available for pick-up in two (2) business days.