Custom Canvas Printing

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A canvas print is the result of an image printed onto canvas which is stretched, or gallery-wrapped, onto a frame and displayed. Canvas prints are often used in interior design, with stock images, or customized with personal photographs. Canvas prints are intended to reproduce the look of original oil or acrylic paintings on stretched canvas.

Canvas prints are a great printing solution to transform your favorite photos into an elegant artwork pieces. Bring creativity to your home or office with our stretched canvas prints.
Our canvas prints are printed with 15 mil polyester/cotton blend canvas and mounted on light and durable stretcher bars.

Uses of Canvas Prints

Canvas prints are commonly used in home decor, either chosen by professional interior designers, or by the homeowner. Canvas prints can be mass produced and available through high street retailers and home improvement stores or personalized one-off canvas prints produced from the individual’s own photograph, or drawing, usually uploaded via the Internet, or ordered direct from social media websites.

Canvas prints are often used as a cheaper alternative to framed artwork as there is no glazing required and the pine frame is not usually visible, so do not need to be varnished, or treated.

For more details visit New York Banner Stands or call us at 1-800-516-7606

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